Friday, March 07, 2008

Evolutionary iPhone, Revolutionary Morph

Apple always maintained that iPhone is revolutionary. Many bloggers and analysts have said that it is just evolutionary. When I first watched webcast in which Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone, I was really impressed by what I saw and I still feel that iPhone is probably the best phone available in the market today.

However I just watched a breathtaking video of Morph Concept forwarded to me by my friend Abhijeet and I don't know what to say about it. I am very very impressed.

Well who wouldn't be impressed with a phone which behaves like elastic and can stretch and change shape and can be worn on your wrist as wrist band or can even be used as a fashion accessory to match your style. Well that's what Morph intends to be. However Morph is just a concept device now so we can't think of laying hands on one in near future.

In its press release Nokia describes Morph as a joint nanotechnology concept, developed by Nokia Research Center (NRC) and the University of Cambridge (UK). Morph demonstrates how future mobile devices might be stretchable and flexible, allowing the user to transform their mobile device into radically different shapes.

It demonstrates the ultimate functionality that nanotechnology might be capable of delivering: flexible materials, transparent electronics and self-cleaning surfaces.


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